For 2025, the Yorkshire Cricket Board Affiliation package is detailed below:
The League Affiliation form and Individual Club Form are attached at the bottom of this page.
2025 benefits included:
Yorkshire Cricket Board Support
- To be part of the Yorkshire Cricket Family
- Development of Women and Girls Cricket
- Regular updates and communication
- ECB Cricket Collective Awards
- Central Operational Support
- Support for coaches, umpires, scorers, groundpersons and volunteers
- Support from YCB Safeguarding Officers
- Access to Fab Little Bag for Women's & Girl's teams
- EDI Communities Development and Support
- Team cards and directives
Grant & Funding Support Schemes*
- YCB Emergency fund
- YCB discretionary development fund
- Ability to apply for ECB Grants
- Access to Funding4Sport
*All of the above is subject to application, eligibility, and available funds.
Access to Training
- Access to coach development courses
- Safehands workshops
- Access to ground courses
- Online webinars
- Support with training
Access to ECB Products and Services
- Play-Cricket Website
- All Stars Cricket, national programme
- Dynamos Cricket, national programme
- Safehands Management System
- Access to Pitch Advisory & Ground Services
- Eligibility to play ECB Competitions
2025 Fee's:
Men's and Women's senior teams will be charged £30 per team. (This applies to both Saturday and Sunday teams)
New prices:
Clubs with one team: £30
Clubs with two teams: £60
Clubs with three teams: £90
Clubs with four teams: £120
Clubs with five or more teams: £150*
Payment should be made by 31st March 2025
The conditions of affiliating to the Yorkshire Cricket Board are as follows:
1. To adopt and enforce the ECB Anti-Dicrimination (AD Code) code and to comply with the obligations and disciplinary process set out under the ECB General Conduct Regulations for Recreational Cricket (GCR's) and the ECB Recreational Conduct Regulations (RCR's); and any other conduct/disciplinary rules or regulations that are applicable to your club. The documents mentioned above are attached at the bottom of this page.
2. To accept the jurisdiction of the Yorkshire Cricket Board, the ECB, and the Cricket Regulator to enforce the AD code, the GDR's and the RCR's against the club and its cricketers, coaches, committee members, directors, officers, employees, contractors, members, match officials, volunteers and any other persons your club exercises control over such as spectators.
3. To ensure that all participants agree to comply with their obligations under the AD Code, GCR's, RCR's and the ECB Safeguarding procedure. (Or any successor thereof).
4. To ensure that all participants agree to accept the jurisdiction of the Yorkshire Cricket Board, the ECB, and the Cricket Regulator to enforce the AD Code, the GCR's, RCR's, and the ECB's Safeguarding procedure. (Or any successor thereof).
5. To adopt and implement the ECB's Safe Hands Policy.
6. To be registered on the ECB's safeguarding management tool, the Safe Hands Management System.
7. To recognise and give effect to any penalty or sanction imposed under the GCR's, the RCR's by the ECB or another cricket organisation, including any decision or outcome imposed under the ECB's Safeguarding Procedure or the International Cricket Council (and any other ICC member country or any international anti-doping authority, to the extent it would be recognised by the ECB.)
8. To adopt, comply with, enforce, and accept the jurisdiction of the Yorkshire Cricket Board, the ECB and the Cricket Regulator to enforce such other rules and regulations as may be required by the ECB from time to time.
Further information:
Clubs who play in two different Saturday leagues, or a Saturday and a Sunday league. should affiliate their teams, with the league in which each of them play.
*£150 is the maximum amount payable per club.
Over 95% of clubs who are affiliated to the YCB do so via the league in which they play and pay their affiliation fees as part of the annual league fee. Clubs wanting to affiliate directly can complete the form below.
For any queries about the affiliation process or to affiliate your club or league, please contact your regional CCDM; contact details can be found under the 'About' tab of this website.