The YCB ACO has developed into a well respected body, nationally as well as in the county. Its Chairman Philip Radcliffe is currently also the chair of the YCB and is also on the ECBACO North region Committee representing the North on the national committee
YCBACO plans and runs courses at many levels for members.
ECBACO Subscriptions and membership
Full Member DD £30 Cheque £32
Associate Member £15 £17 ( no longer involved in active umpiring or scoring)
Junior ( U21) £15 £17
Includes Insurance for Full Members including PL insurance and for Juniors over 16
Advantages of Membership
Personalised insurance - vital in the current age
Up-to-date training
Progression pathway
YCB newsletter
Twice yearly County seminars
Branch meetings and workshops
Branches have now been set up in 9 regions,with every member of the ECB ACO allocated to a Branch. Initially this has been done by Post code. The schedule below shows how the allocation has been made.
A member can belong to a Branch of his or her choice. If you wish to change your allocated branch then you should contact the secretary of the Branch you wish to join to be included on their branch list. Branch Secretaries then make the appropriate changes to their records, informing Steven Wood ( any changes.