1. Aims
To promote the develop of coaches and of cricket throughout the county
2. Objectives
2.1 Membership of the ECB Coaches
2.2 Responsible to YCB for Coaches
Association organisation
2.3 Participation in and implementation of
ECB and YCB Development Plans
2.4 Represent the Coaches Associations in the
formulation of Board policy
2.5 Responsibility for the organisation of
Coach education , coaching activity and
the development of cricket
3. Membership
3.1 Branches of ECB CA in Yorkshire
[Currently Aire-Wharfe & Leeds, Barnsley &
Doncaster, Bradford, Calderdale, Cleveland,
East Yorkshire, Heavy Woollen,
Huddersfield, Nidderdale & Wensleydale,
Ponterfract, Scarborough, Sheffield, Upper
Airedale, Wetherby. York ] ] .
3.2 All bona-fide members of ECB CA and
members of the branches of YCB CA
4. Committee Membership
4.1.1 Chairman appointed by YCB ( normally
the YCB CA representative to the
4.1.2 Vice Chairman appointed annually YCBCA ( approved by YCB)
4.1.3 One representative from each Branch in Yorkshire of ECB CA
4.1.4 One representative from Womens Cricket
4.1.5 Secretary appointed annually by the YCB CA ( and approved by YCB)
4.1.6 Treasurer appointed annually by the YCB CA ( and approved by YCB)
NB YCB Coaching Sub-Committee also includes one CDM, one from YCCC, YCB Course Co-ordinator who may attend as observers on matters concerning YCB CA
4.2 Each member shall have one vote with the Chairman having a casting vote
4.3 Ex-officio or co-opted non-voting members may be invited to attend by the decision of the Board
5. Roles
5.1 To link YCB and the Coaches Branches
5.2 To elect a representative to the Board of
YCB ( at the first meeting in any calendar
5.3 To organise an annual meeting of YCB CA
coaches [ at the Regional Coaches
Seminar ]
5.4 To meet quarterly
5.5 With the YCB Coaching Sub-Committee
to co-ordinate Coach Education policy
5.6 Act as a Forum to enable branches to air their views
5.7 To co-ordinate all branch activity
5.8 To communicate regularly with Branches
6. Meetings
6.1 The quorum of Committee meetings shall
be 5 branch representatives plus two
6.2 An Annual Meeting shall be held in November at the Regional Coaches Conference but with each Branch having one vote [ interim reports and accounts will be tabled]
6.3 An annual report and accounts will be
published with the YCB Annual Report
7. Finance
7. 1 There shall be a separate ring-fenced
account in the YCB accounts
7.2 Signatories as shall be as per the YCB
7.3 Annual accounts shall be published within
the ring fenced YCB account
7.4 50% of monies received from ECB shall be paid to the Branches on a pro-rata member basis. This apportionment may be varied by the Board
8. Constitution
This constitution shall be agreed by the Yorkshire Cricket Board and may only be altered by it