Cricket coaches are encouraged to join the Coaches Association of the Yorkshire Cricket Board.
With an annual subscription £37 Cheque (or £30 if paid by Direct Debit, with £4 returned to YCB of which £2 goes to the local branch. The advantages of Membership are:
Personal insurance – vital in the current age
Up-to-date coaching information on changing techniques etc from ECB
YCB newsletter
Reduced fees to YCB Coaching events
Priority acceptance on to ECB/YCB courses
Localised activities/CPD/workshops etc
Potential employment by YCB (only ECBCA members will be used by YCB as membership certifies their qualification and also their DBS . Most Local Authorities also follow this)
Accredited Coach - non-members will not be recognised by official bodies.
For further information visit the ECB Coaches Association site via this link where you can also register to join the Coaches Association.